Morobe Mine
Joint Venture
Working in such a remote, harsh environment certainly presented its challenges however the team pulled off an outstanding result!
John O’Brien, KOBE Director
Project Executed:
November 2009 – July 2010
Project Location:
Morobe Province, PNG Highlands
Contract Value:
The type of technology provided and installed by KOBE is the first of its kind in PNG and has the real potential to save lives and provide the company with an enduring system that can be augmented as MMJV expands across multiple sites.
Rodger Cook,
Asset Protection Manager.
As a gold mine in one of the most remote locations on the planet, security was of the utmost importance for the Morobe Mine Joint Venture during its star-tup and into production. An internal review and procurement process begun in 2007 and concluded in 2009 to identify the best systems that would support the mine environment. Management decided on Pelco Endura and WinDSX as the backbone to the combined security management systems. High Definition (HD) camera systems were in their infancy in 2010 and Pelco Endura provided an end-to-end solution. KOBE is a factory certified integrator of Pelco Endura and provided Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) of the entire system before it was packaged as sea freight and forwarded to the mine via several truck loads from the port of Lae, PNG.
The mine is bordered on all sides by both traditional and non-traditional land owners and with hostility an ever present possibility securing the perimeter of the mine was imperative. All external entry points in addition to blanket CCTV coverage is provided with Biometric access control, turnstiles, booms and gates. WinDSX panels provided an extremely robust platform for the harsh environment and helped ensure only those authorised persons gained entry to the mine.
All security components communicate over vast distances and disparate locations through a dedicated Security LAN over single mode optical fibre. Core, consolidation and edge switches are located throughout the site to provide the necessary bandwidth and malleability to add additional components as required in the future.
Project Details
Once KOBE was awarded the project there was only a few months allocated to the installation of all equipment. The weather and location challenged the builders and this was extended until July 2010.
The fact that all equipment was FAT tested prior to delivery to site, the fastidious planning by KOBE project managers and the technical knowledge of all systems and how they related allowed KOBE to provide the entire project on time and budget.
Access Control
130 Access Control Doors
13 Biometric Reader
100 Reed Switches
1 Win DSX SQL Sever
4 Client Connections
1 HLI TO Xray Equipment
1 HLI to HR Datebase
137 2mp HD Cameras
2 Endura System Managers
6 Endura Network Recorders
7 Endura Workstations
13 Sagem Fingerprint Readers
1 BioMatch Server
2 BioMatch Clients
2 Sagem Enrolment Readers
1 HP 5406 Core Switch
1 HP 5406 Consolidation
5 HP 2610 Edge Switch
LC SMOF Modules
Intergration with MMJV
Our Certifications
We take your security, quality of management and implementation seriously.
Here at KOBE, it is crucial for us to keep up with the highest standards and protocols. It ensures and assures our clients that the work being produced is executed and implemented with the highest quality.